Welcome to Episode 8 of The Everyday Healthy Human! In this captivating installment, Coach Jen invites her dear friend, Jason Barger, to the show. Jason, a remarkable individual juggling three essential roles - Firefighter, Dad, and Runner, graciously...
Welcome to Episode 8 of The Everyday Healthy Human! In this captivating installment, Coach Jen invites her dear friend, Jason Barger, to the show. Jason, a remarkable individual juggling three essential roles - Firefighter, Dad, and Runner, graciously shares his invaluable insights on maintaining peak fitness throughout the years.
As a dedicated firefighter, Jason knows that staying in top physical condition is not just a preference but an essential part of his duty to protect and serve the community. Throughout the episode, he unveils the unique challenges and joys of being a firefighter while staying committed to a healthy lifestyle.
Beyond his demanding career, Jason is also a loving and caring dad. He emphasizes setting a positive example for his family and encouraging a healthy lifestyle early on. Learn how he perfectly balances career responsibilities and quality time with his loved ones.
But what truly sets Jason apart is his passion for running. Throughout the interview, he delves into the transformative power of running as a means of not only keeping physically fit but also nurturing mental resilience and well-being. Listen as he reveals his journey in running and fitness, from the first strides to conquering marathons, swimming events, and an Ironman Triathlon.
Drawing from his wealth of experience as a firefighter, dad, and runner, Jason shares his secrets to overcoming obstacles and remaining motivated even during the most challenging times with his CAB and LAB analogy.
Whether you're a seasoned fitness enthusiast or just starting your wellness journey, this episode promises to leave you feeling motivated, empowered, and ready to embrace a healthier and more active lifestyle. Join us as we embark on this transformative conversation with an extraordinary man who epitomizes the everyday healthy human!
Want to learn more about Jason?
Website: https://bargerfitness.com
Instagrams: @rescuerunner310, and @team_neverstoptraining
To learn more about my work and stay connected, visit my website at https://jenrulon.com. You'll find many resources, articles, and information to support your triathlon, active travel in Costa Rica, and mindset journey.
For an interactive experience, check out the JenRulon 2.0 App at https://jenrulonapp.com/gym/Jen-Rulon, designed to enhance your fitness routine and provide tailored guidance.
Please stay connected with me on social media for daily inspiration and updates. Follow me on Instagram at Jen Rulon - @coachjeninstagram, Everyday Healthy Human Podcast - @everyday_healthy_human_podcast, and join the conversation on Facebook at Jen Rulon - @jenrulon.
Be sure to subscribe to the Everyday Healthy Human Podcast to embark on a transformative journey of personal growth, fitness, well-being, and transforming into your beautiful butterfly.